


What provoked me to pick my laptop to write down few lines for the real life stories of the courageous women?
Most of the well known  powerful women find the opportunities to have their recognition throughout the world whether they are celebs, or politicians and business leaders. Much has been published for them in books, blogs, magazines, and newspapers.  Now its time to salute those who have demonstrated their power through patience, sacrifice and devotion.
 Here is the 2nd episode of "Diary of a powerful woman".

I still remember the day, when I was standing in staff room and was discussing some interesting Pakistani cuisine recipe with my Bangladeshi colleague. She added to my recipe and I spotted a bright, smiling face at my back.
      We got closer and developed a strong bond of love, care and respect. The more I got to know her, the more I fell for her.
 After few days, we were engaged in discussion, her teary eyes dazzled and I couldn't stop me from interfering. She got married the man who was 20 years elder than her, but that was not an issue at all.

The issue was:

How bravely she had been through an abusive relationship?
How confidently she got herself engaged in raising three boys ?
How courageously she didn't let her tears flow over her cheeks, when she got insulted in public places for nothing, or when she didn't even have a penny to buy a slipper?

Today, I still witnessed the reward of her sacrifices, she has raised the three successful boys even without taking separation. She hollowed herself out during this journey of pain and suffering, that has not been ended.  She somehow managed to start a job to fulfill her needs. After returning Pakistan, she devoted herself for her family, but she joined a designing course for further advancement in her career. We cannot bring the problems to an end, but we can strive to reduce our pains by making best use of us.
We all, have to face what has been written for us, with courage.
If you have a story as a powerful women and want us to publish yours story. Don't hesitate to contact us in comments.

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